Tuesday, December 26, 2023

Party Doesn't Matter in Fight Against Homeless

It seems one way to unite people of both parties against a common enemy is for a church to propose a tent city. It may be just the way the media reports it, but it seems like there are ten people speaking against them for every person who speaks up for them.

It shows how screwed up both the Democrats and Republicans are when it comes to facing that which they support.

If you buy into the stereotyping, Democrats tend to favor government handling things so that people don't go hungry and homeless, while Republicans tend to favor leaving much of it up to charity and private donations. That's why I think people who buy into partisan politics, but speak against tent cities, are so full of shit that they could be given enemas through their ears!


Does it not dawn on these morons that the need for a tent city is because the government isn't providing enough support for the homeless? Democrats say they want everyone to eat and have a place to sleep, but, when it really comes to helping those in need, they close the doors, and hop in their Lexi for the drive home. Half the people are there to make sure we turn down those who only claim to be hungry, but really own a ten-year-old car outright (like they can eat their car), and the other half works in administration doing things like exploiting the homeless for marketing purposes and making sure they get increased funding to help cover employees' raises next year.

The people in the party that fights for the welfare of the poor can't stand the idea of seeing the homeless in their neighborhoods! After all, who knows who these people really are? Well, I have an answer to that question: They're the same damn people you think we need to make sure have food to eat, and a place to sleep!


Do you know how Republicans can keep straight faces speaking out against tent cities while supporting the party that believes private charity is one of the keys to solving the problem with the poor? I do: they're dumbshits. They don't get it.

It was funny when something like that was on an episode of All in the Family, but it's fucking sad when real people sound like Archie Bunker without his compassion!

Tent cities are private charities working to resolve the problem, you dumbshits! Pull your heads out of your asses!

What they should do

People of both these parties should face up to the responsibility they espouse. Democrats should care that people are hungry and homeless, and Republicans should make sure charity works for them. They should take them clothing, coats, and food so they put their money where their mouths are, and both sides should quit opening those mouths to prove they are hypocrites!

That's my take.

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