Sunday, February 26, 2023

Creator of Dilbert Proves that He is a Real Dick and Not Just a Dildo

I was surprised to learn that my friend who is a published poet, Rocky Caldwell, and I were part of a hate group according to Scott Adams who is the creator of the Dilbert cartoon. I hadn't heard anything about it having spent yesterday away from the computer. After a couple more questions, it turns out that the hate group we belong to is Black people. This upset me because I am not Black. 

I had to look up Scott Adams to see what kind of dildo calls Black people a hate group. I read Dilbert if it was in front of me, but I never sought it out. I didn't hate it as a cartoon. I thought some were funnier than others, and there was the occasional profundity. I couldn't have told you who wrote the strip until today. 

Anyway, there is a poll that was conducted in which about half the Black people polled "are not okay with white people." To him, that means they are a hate group. 

I don't want to be on this guy's side. I want to be on the side of Black people because I, too, am not okay with white people who identify more as white than they do as people. 

To take his asinine conclusion even further, Adams proves that he is a real dick and not just a dildo when he tells white people to stay away from Black people. I agree with the Black people who suggest that white people like him stay away from Black people. White people who do so become easier to identify by all of us. It is the white people who say these things that are really in the hate groups, which is self-evident by the cartoonist's crazy claim.

Scott Adams says white people should be revolting. I say that they already are revolting, and he is proof of that.

If you want to join Rocky Caldwell's hate group that is full of love, this is a link to his author's page at Amazon.

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